Natasha Stavros

A miniature city model on a desk sustainable technology, with wind turbines and solar panels.

Sustainable Environmental Resilience Technologies: FREE Open-Access paper

Designing environmental resilience technology that transition research to commercialization providing sustainable solutions In this paper we talk about a model for defining requirements for providing information technologies and data analytics as “environmental resilience technologies”. This methodology combines systematic analysis of the decision space with human centered design (HCD) to provide a model for transition research

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Business meeting and teamwork by business people

Best Practices for Meetings: Reduce Stress, Foster Inclusion, and Promote Respect

Why do we need Meeting Best Practices? Working remotely, we cannot do what we did in an in-person environment. Remote work has led to an increase in remote meetings that are having uncharacterized effects on employee mental and physical health as well as work-life balance. Long-term implications could reduce employee efficacy and productivity and increase

Best Practices for Meetings: Reduce Stress, Foster Inclusion, and Promote Respect Read More »